Sigi Whittle, an innovative DJ based in the picturesque Highland region of Scotland, is on a mission to break the monotony of Highland winters and revitalise the spirits of the youth with a universal mix of DJ's sonics and audio electronics. In a unique fusion of cultures, Sigi and his colleagues have crafted a series of community-backed club nights that bear the intriguing name, "baile/baile." This name draws its inspiration from the Scottish Gaelic word "baile," meaning "township/village," and the Spanish word "baile," meaning "a dance." On November 4th 2023, the stage will be set, and the beat will drop as baile/baile launches at the remarkable The Ceilidh Place Venue, nestled in the heart of Ullapool, Scotland. This intimate 100-capacity music hub and exhibition space will come alive with a series of four electrifying parties featuring both nationally and internationally renowned DJs, producers, and party starters. Sigi Whittle...
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.