The Residents, a group that has captivated me for years with their innovative and boundary-pushing music, are embarking on a UK tour in 2024. Celebrated for their eclectic blend of genres and pioneering work in performance art and music video, they've been a major force in experimental music for over fifty years. Their upcoming "God in Three Persons (2024)" tour is a testament to their artistic longevity and continued relevance. The tour promises to be a thrilling showcase of their unique style, with performances in Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, Bexhill, and London. These shows are not just concerts but immersive experiences, blending music with artistic expression in a way that only The Residents can. For those unfamiliar, The Residents' career has spanned a diverse range of projects. From scoring films and TV series to creating a multimedia performance at the Museum of Modern Art, their artistic output has been consistently groundbreaking. This tour follows their...
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.