I found an insightful connection between "Vegetal Vision" and a thought-provoking lecture by Aneta Rostkowska in the series "The Damaged Planet" at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. 🌿 Exploring "Vegetal Vision" First, let me share the lyrics of "Vegetal Vision": cosmic brokli uniting all vegetal vision encompassing cosmic brokli uniting all vegetal vision encompassing 5D consciousness mankind Leave old reality behind when life crashes down and falls rebirth renew, answer the call Mother earth is crying out and wants her child to shout it out and uplift all that cannot see the mighty cosmic brokli This song is offers a few ideas; it's a chant for mankind, a call to connect with nature, as mother earth is crying. it is an anthem for embracing a new reality. Brokli is opening the 5D consciousness that transcends old realities and embraces a harmonious existence with our planet. Aneta Rostkowska's Vision In her lecture, Aneta Rostkowsk...
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.