Search Results for Micheal Kiwanuka and Jansky Noise It has to be said, that you would never throw these two musicians together, but the law of averages and the laws of or rules of life can sometimes be a disappointment or of benifit. When an object does not appear to behave consistently, it may roll off in any direction, bound, lay or just lag at various, any or no distances. Certainly today there is no better way to position Jansky Noise and Micheal Kiwanuka , two polar opposite musicians, who have no reason for any kind of connection what so ever, but for one reason, beyond math, but inside the laws of natural phenomenon here they do collide. Whilst browising todays Googlekeyword search results for the term "Jansky Noise Ethnoshere" - we see see Michael in our results. Is it Jansky Noise bringing Michael closer to the ethnoshere, or Micheal Kiwanuka being submerged in the ethnosphere? It´s not for me to answer, all I can do is observe the la...
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.