"Stars" by Mr. Fingers, the legendary alias of Larry Heard, is a mesmerising and soulful journey through the world of deep house music. Released in 1987, this iconic track remains an essential piece of the electronic music puzzle, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of the genre. At its core, "Stars" is a sonic masterpiece characterised by its simplicity and emotional depth. Larry Heard, a true pioneer of deep house, crafts a mesmerising soundscape using a minimal palette of elements. The track opens with a hypnotic and ethereal synth melody that immediately sets the mood. It's a melody that seems to transcend time and space, evoking a sense of cosmic wonder and introspection. The heartbeat of "Stars" is its irresistibly groovy bassline and a meticulously programmed drum pattern. Heard's use of the Roland TR-909 drum machine is particularly notable, as he masterfully blends the machine's signature sounds to create a rhythm that's simu...
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.