Heinäsirkat" by the Finnish band Sperm, also known as "Shh! Heinäsirkat," it is without question most groundbreaking - well done lads. Released in 1970, the album featured avant-garde experimental music that was ahead of its time, with a unique blend of psychedelic rock, jazz, and electronic music.
It is inspired to know that this album was recorded entirely in a home studio, without any professional recording equipment just like we used to do at V/Vm. Apparently the band members used whatever tools they had at their disposal, including a reel-to-reel tape recorder, a broken amplifier, and even a toy xylophone.
I hear so many things here, even some of my own work with Speedranch. Despite the limited resources, we all had, Sperm managed to create a truly innovative and mind-bending album, with tracks that ranged from sparse and haunting to chaotic and frenzied. The album has been cited as an influence on numerous experimental musicians in Finland and beyond, and it remains a cult classic to this day.
In addition to its musical innovations, "Heinäsirkat" is also notable for its surreal and absurdist lyrics, which were written in a made-up language that the band called "Spermese." This added an additional layer of mystique and intrigue to an already fascinating album.
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