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Showing posts from October, 2014

Westbam - Hold Me Back

Thinking about my dearest friend Rebecca who's back in out, today, songs that include the word back, or rhyme are on the agenda, big love and vibrations via musics from the Mother Mack!!!

Frankie Knuckles Presents Satoshi Tomiie - Tears (classic vocal)

Better out than in! Thanks to Simona for the support today, all over me.

sha-lor - my love has gone away (frankie bones belgium freestyle mix)

Annette - Dream 17

Shannon - Let The Music Play (original video)

Shalamar - A Night To Remember Official Video

Man Machine - Denkimi-Shakuhachi (Remix)

My Grandfather George passed away today , death has shown itself to me again. Loss, life, time, maintain. For those who leave us, they are well, it´s those here that are left to remember. I cannot say I knew my Grandfather well, but the last 3 years we have had some time to enjoy. I was lucky to say fair well to him and for him to shake my hand and say goodbye. He thought I was getting on a plane, I thought I was coming back, I told him I would see him soon, and he said ´´see you soon, that will be right´´, in a sarcastic tone. He was right, I wont see him for quite some time.

[1990] LFO - Brainstorm - Pt 2 [3/3]

Without any doubt, we are living in incredibly turbulent and surprising times. Around every corner lurks something else. Today I have had Birthdays, Record Captures (fish), Weddings and Death. It´s impossible to sort them and prioritize. The death of LFO´s main man Mark Bell is indeed a blow, I remember meeting Mark back stage at here in Madrid, it was a big show, Bjork was also hovering around, since it was her gig, Mark introduced me too Bjork with such a big up, it was hard to take in. I remember his gusto, energy and enthusiasm towards previous works I´d been involved with at V/Vm. He told me that day, he had just been listening to one of our tracks, and encouraged Bjork to do the same, saying something like, ´´this is the guy that made that track I was just playing´´, Bjork was not impressed. Mark was a great man, fantastic energy, the track above he never made, but I always thought he had. I knew this was our LFO guys that had brought us the LFO Leeds Warehouse track. It´s har...

Nuit Blanche - Arev Manoukian