I have been searching for music I can give away which may raise spirits and help your celestial navigation. My last album Jansky Noise - Something good is going to happen has been available for almost a year now. You can download the album from the good people at Digital Vomit. The collection is from another hemisphere, brimming, and teaming with hope! Get it now here Hung around the sound of disintegrating cultures Jansky Noise snatch's sounds from: Peruvian, Thai, Indonesian, Brazilian, African, Gamelan, Chinese and European sources. The album rafts in a highly unusual landscape were natural elements are forced to combine with artificial ones. Wild tribes, fauna and kindred spirit collide with philosophers theory, city noise, western science and religion. Something good does happen, and in the experiment something else is born! Released 20th - 21st of June 2009 Enjoy the ritual..
Lost and found audio gold, musical jewels and treasure. Soul extremes and borderless suprise.